The art of No Time to Dice 🎲

First, I want to thank everyone who played our game and left us some feedback! The reception has been astounding, and it feels great that people are enjoying our work ❤️

We had a lot of nice comments about the art, so I want to highlight some of @Tayteus’ creations ✏️

In his day job, he’s working for a consulting company, providing artistic direction and contributing innovative solutions with natural interfaces for clients; at night, he usually draws Bandes Dessinées (also known as comics in English speaking countries)

Here’s an example of his usual style, that you can find on his instagram account: Parody of Pokémon

For No Time to Dice 🎲, he drew every piece of art by hand using a Cintiq pen display. Every background, every dice, the main character, and the introduction and ending panels were created from scratch.



Everything was drawn on layers on Photoshop, then exported as sliced assets which we integrated in Unity.

Once again, thanks to everyone who already gave us a review! For everyone else, you can find the game right here.